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An impressive speaker─Mrs. Andrea W. Wu

  / 林世棻

        The speaker this week, Mrs. Andrea W. Wu, is a very kind and friendly person. We talked much about her experiences at college and work on the way to school from the airport. She wanted to share  all she knew with us.


        Mrs. Andrea W. Wu is a good example why students should learn internationalization. After Mrs. Andrea W. Wu graduated from the college in Taiwan , she worked abroad in the United States . Since she works with people from different backgrounds and cultures, she knows a lot about getting along well with people.  Communication skill is  the most important part while interacting with people.

        Good communication benefits from sharing ideas, dealing with conflicts and etc, bad communication, on the other hand, causes problems.  Mrs. Andrea W. Wu had similar background to us.  Since she was originally from
Taiwan , so many students liked to ask her questions. Mrs. Andrea W. Wu made an outstanding and impressive speech. Thanks Mrs. Andrea W. Wu again.








Copyright 2006 Department of Information Management, NSYSU.  