系所新聞 行政公告 學術活動 研究成果 研究計畫 海外研習 校友園地 讀書會 新知分享 生活雜感 生活花絮 人才交流

A Great Chance to Learn

 研一 / 楊以誠

        The mission of our group for the past week was to serve the lecturer.  We planed on introducing him with a creative presentation, so we made efforts in pictures, sound effects and files that can represent our stories.  Since we were not familiar with the special effects of sounds, graphics and pictures, the process of making this creative presentation file really took longer time than we could expect.  All the members worked together until midnight, trying our best to make the best presentation file we could for the show next day.


        When the lecturer arrived, we showed him around to our labs and helped out with the preparation works for the seminar.  I was also responsible for the web pages of the seminar after the class.  It is really a great experience for me to serve a foreign professional.  From this experience, we all learn how to make arrangements for the seminar, and also realize how important it is to be responsible for our works.  However; I think it is not necessary for every group to make presentations to introduce the lecturer, especially when the presentation is not well-prepared or suitable.  Besides, we have to understand the foreign culture in order to avoid the impolite occasions.









Copyright 2004 Department of Information Management, NSYSU.  