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陳主任應邀至IADIS International Conference進行一場專題演講

資管系 /

        陳主任多年來在網路教學系統、行動辦公室方面的成就,獲得國際學術界的肯定,應邀於十月二十日在葡萄牙里斯本舉行的IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2005進行一場專題演講,講題是Mobile Cyber Office: Concepts, Designs and Implementations,為中山資管系又進行了一場成功的國際學術外交,將系上的名聲帶至南美洲,讓我們在這兒為主任加油打氣!也為中山名聲遠播大聲喝采!


        Mobile Cyber Office is a place where one can work from anywhere around the world. Mobile Cyber Office is an environment totally built on the Internet with supports of real-time audio/video communication, synchronous document sharing and group collaboration. This talk will address the issues on concepts, designs and implementations of such kind of Mobile Cyber Office environment. A variety of real applications using the National Sun Yat-sen Cyber University (NSYSU-CU) and the Knowledge Management System (KMS),  will be demonstrated in this talk. These applications consist of conducting online live lecture, delivering professional talks, guiding regular research seminars, & regular development team meetings, chairing committee meetings of international conferences, coordinating opening ceremony of Cyber University, holding press conferences, and even participating cyber KTV, . etc. The participants are coming from many different countries such as Finland, Germany, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, Portugal, and the US.

        Finally, a realization of applying knowledge management concept into our daily works in Mobile Cyber Office will also be discussed. As we all know that the most cherished value of e-documenting is the processes of business operations/intelligence since the processes own the "know-how" of business intelligence and keep how people make things done or mistaken in permanent recordings. This way of doing things is particular important and useful for anyone who needs to follow up the process of development. As he/she can get the whole context or picture of what had previous happened.

    This talk will conclude with the key factors in terms of achieving success of applying Mobile Cyber Office for e-learning and knowledge management.









Copyright 2004 Department of Information Management, NSYSU.  