題目(中) 企業工作流程系統導入之影響因素探討—以個案公司之客訴為例
題目(英) The Research on Influencing Factors of Implementing Workflow Systems: A Case Study
研究生 李文福(碩士學位)
指導教授 黃三益
摘要(中)   在快速變動的時代,面對全球化的競爭,如何快速回應變化,如何提升競爭力,是企業生存之道,而自動化工作流程系統之協調、溝通、合作功能,正是能促使企業提高工作效率、快速回應變化的技術。然而,在引進、開發工作流程系統需要相當多的投資,但所得結果常與預期有很大落差,因此,為確保投資於自動化工作流程系統的成果,工作流程系統導入之探討是很重要的議題。



摘要(英) In the turbulent time, an enterprise facing global competition must rapidly respond to change and sustain competitive advantage for survival. Workflow systems is a technology, which has the function of coordination, communication, and collaboration, to improve productivity and response time. However, the implementation of workflow systems needs much investment, but usually results in much gap between expectations and actual benefits. Therefore, it is an important issue to study the implementation of workflow system to assure the results of such investment.

This research explores the influencing factors of implementing workflow systems from the organizational perspective (technology, task, people, and structure) and the process (initiation, adoption, and usage). In general, this study tries to answer the following questions: (1) What factors enable a company to initiate a workflow system? (2) What factors influence a company to adopt a workflow system? (3) What factors affect a company to use a workflow system?

Based on the literature concerning implementing information system, groupware, and workflow system, this research induces the model of implementing workflow systems. After confirming this model by using case study method, this research proposes the reference model of implementing workflow systems. At the initiation phase, this research finds eight influencing factors: IT infrastructure suitable for workflow systems, human power of developing workflow systems, clear workflows, achievable objectives, top manager’s knowledge and interest, user involvement in selection, size, and incentives system. At the adoption phase, six influencing factors are identified: adequate workflow systems, redesigning workflows, top manager’s support, user involvement in system development, education of all users, and formalization. At the usage phase, we find six influencing factors: realized objectives, technology support, incremental implementation, top manager’s usage, all users’ usage, and corporate policy.

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Copyright 2002 Department of Information Management, NSYSU.

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