題目(中) 汽車銷售業電子商務策略研究-以高都汽車為例
題目(英) Research on E-Commerce Strategies of Automobile Sellers – KaoDu Motor Ltd
研究生 鍾宜璋(碩士學位)
指導教授 賴香菊
摘要(中)   網際網路的普及帶動電子商務的發展,也為企業帶來了新契機,高都汽車近年因市場競爭、人員離職及獲利衰退等不利因素衝擊,因而積極探討如何善用網際網路,發展電子商務,藉以提昇競爭力,確保企業的獲利能力。


It is no doubt that the Internet has transformed the way enterprises doing business fundamentally. People even pointed that e-commerce is the next Industrial Revolution. How to take the advantages of the Internet has propagated all over the whole world. Facing the intensely competitive environment and the getting higher turnover rate of the sales representatives, KaoDu Motor, Ltd. is exploring the solutions. Due to the prosperous growth of e-commerce, the issue of how to fully take the advantages of the Internet has become very critical to KaoDu Motor Ltd.
This purpose of this research is to explore what e-commerce strategies and applications that KaoDu should develop in order to get more competitive advantages by taking the advantages of the Internet. After reviewing the automobile industrial environment, the SWOT analysis was done for KaoDu. Through SWOT analysis, the weakness, strength, opportunities and threats that KaoDu has were summarized. Giving KaoDu’s goals, seven e-commerce strategies were developed based on the results of SWOT analysis. For each strategy, many e-commerce applications have been identified. In addition, in order to let the e-commerce strategies and applications be realized successfully, several other strategies, such as alliance, business process reengineering and on-job training, have been identified too. So far, part of the strategies and applications has been implemented and there are several positive results reported.
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