系辦公室 / 梁小青

  本系客座教授謝昌澤老師特為博士班同學開設一系列的Seminar,第一場已於4/18日舉行,題目為"Life in The Early Stage of Academic Professionals",演講內容十分精彩,博士班王育民同學並撰寫該場演講之心得,請參閱本期電子報。其他場次預定之演講主題如下:

Build a tenurable portfolio. 
Procedures of tenure/promotion evaluation in a typical AACSB accredited university will be addressed. Strategies for developing a successful portfolio toward tenure/promotion application will also be discussed.

Publishing in English MIS journals. 
A brief introduction of the English MIS academic journals will be presented. Game rules for getting the papers published in some of those journals will be discussed.

How to interact with the MIS practitioners. 
MIS academe as perceived by the practitioners will be the focus of this seminar. Strategies to successfully interact with the MIS practitioners will also be covered.



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Copyright 2002 Department of Information Management, NSYSU.

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