題目(中) 無線環境下個人化工作流程系統之研究
題目(英) The Research on Personal Workflow Systems in Support of Pervasive Computing
研究生 陳雅芳(碩士學位)
指導教授 黃三益
摘要(中) 行動環境的發展提供使用者能隨時隨地使用資訊、網路等服務。然而,對使用者而言,更重要的服務是能在適當時間,適當地點告知其所應該執行的事。就目前行動設備的應用而言,多以個人資訊記錄(行事曆、備忘錄)、網路服務(郵件收發、資訊瀏灠)為主。事實上,個人日常生活的各項活動中,彼此存在著資訊的關連性,因此,本研究以工作流程觀念來模式化個人日常活動,稱之個人工作流程。針對個人工作流程的特性,提出一主從式架構來完成此一系統。本研究著重在個人工作流程的client端儲存管理及查詢處理。在儲存管理部分,定義出個人工作流程的模式。在查詢處理部份,我們提出幾個運算元來表達使用者所下的查詢,並對運算元的性質及最佳化的表示方式加以探討。此外,本研究亦定出啟動機制模式以支援其個人工作流程系統能適時適地的主動提醒使用者其該做的活動。最後,我們實作儲存管理及查詢處理於PDA上。本研究將是以主從式架構為主的個人工作流程系統的核心。

Wireless devices and their services are becoming increasingly important for many people’s lives. The services provided by these mobile devices enable users to work without space or time limitation. However, while these applications allow users to record and retrieve information about tasks and data, the relationships between tasks and data are left out. However, we have observed that many of people’s daily activities are not independent, and they are likely to be process-oriented. In this thesis, we develop a personal workflow model that is used to capture the requirements of personal processes. This model also includes a set of primitive operations that can be used to express queries on personal processes. The algebraic properties about these operations and how to optimize queries comprised of these operations are studied. Based on these operations, we propose an SQL-like query language to ease users’ query expressions. Besides, to actively remind the mobilers the right things to do at the right place and the right time, we propose a rule model that resembles event-condition-action (ECA) rules proposed for active database systems. All of the proposed features except for the rule model are implemented on Palm Pilot PDAs.

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