題目(中) 漸進式挖掘區域網路存取型樣
題目(英) An Incremental Approach to Discovering Regional Network Access Patterns
研究生 曾永順(碩士學位)
指導教授 林福仁
摘要(中) 本論文中提出一個漸進式演算法藉由區域網路使流量記錄挖掘使用者存取型樣,因為記錄網路流量資料庫很大,我們需要發展一個較快速的關聯法則演算法以有效的獲得使用者存取型樣並使用屬性關係圖形來表示網路使用者之間的關係。關係圖的改變意指網路環境的變化,隨著時間的變化,為了不需較多的計算時間產生使用者存取型樣,我們提出一個漸進式方式提供區網管理者容的追蹤網路使用狀況以及便於網管人員管理網路

This thesis proposes an incremental algorithm to discover regional network access patterns from traffic data of a regional network. Because the size of network traffic database is very large, we need to develop a fast algorithm of association rules in order to efficiently generate user access patterns. Attributed relational graph is used to represent user access patterns on the network. The change of relational graph indicates the access pattern of a regional network is changed. In order to keep the network access pattern up to date without spending great computation costs, we propose an incremental procedure to generalize network access patterns from time to time. The results can be used for supporting network administrators to easily keep track of network usage patterns and better manage regional networks

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