題目(中) 科技框架理論於知識管理應用之探討
題目(英) An Exploration of Technological Frames for Implementation a Knowledge Management System
研究生 黃瑜峰(碩士學位)
指導教授 郭峰淵
摘要(中)  知識管理是最近受重視的議題,然而當下知識管理文獻十分著重資訊科技的使用以及其他相關外在環境的塑造,例如建立社群。然而組織成員對資訊科技的詮釋對資訊科技的導入與實行有重要影響,在知識管理的相關文獻中對此的討論十分稀少。是以本研究以此為出發點,採用詮釋性研究,並以Orlikowski & Gash的科技框架為架構,選擇一個個案公司進行深度非結構化訪談,以探討在該公司內不同群體對知識管理資訊科技的詮釋,在該資訊科技的導入與實行過程中所造成的影響。研究發現,該個案公司中三個群體(經理、板主、其他使用者與開發者)對知識管理資訊科技的詮釋並不相同,而不同的詮釋使其對該科技產生不同的使用模式,最後導致該科技的使用率偏低。本研究並試圖找尋這三個群體詮釋形成的原因。本研究認為科技框架雖然只能反映詮釋的內容而不能反映詮釋形成的原因,但仍不失為一個探討資訊科技相關議題的良好架構。

Knowledge Management System (KMS) has been receiving considerable attention in this decade and information technology (IT) is emphasized in KMS literature. Organizational members’ interpretation toward IT, however, may strongly influence the results of IT introduction and implementation. This research perceives that this perspective is seldom explored in KMS literature thus investigates a Taiwanese IC testing company to study how its members’ interpretations toward a KMS technology would cause the resistance. This research adopts Orlikowski & Gash’s technological frame as a theoretical background to conduct the interpretive research. Related data collecting was mainly through unstructured interview(s). The result shows that there have been three different categories of interpretation (MIS manager, board masters, general users and system developers) toward the KMS technology. This research argues that the difference of interpretation among the three produced an undiscussable conflict and hence the consequent behavior marked down the usage of KMS. This research also attempts to find out how their interpretations were formed based on data available. This research also holds that though technological frame can reveal what one’s interpretations are, it cannot tell us how they are formed.

論文下載 etd-0708101-062636.pdf


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