題目(中) 電子市集撮合系統之開發
題目(英) Development of Matching System in the Electronic Marketplace
研究生 鄭富謙(碩士學位)
指導教授 吳雪馥
摘要(中) 過去企業採購常受到地域和時間上的限制,隨著電子市集的蓬勃發展,企業與供應商得以不受時空限制的在網路上進行交易,除了可減少採購成本、縮短交貨時間、得到更多採購資訊,進而提升企業本身的附加價值;對供應商來說,相對的也降低了搜尋客戶與交易的成本。然而在電子市集裡卻較少提到如何協助交易雙方撮合的機制與功能。因此,本研究的主要目的便是藉由多評估準則決策和配對理論的方式,來探討在採購的撮合過程中,電子市集所能提供的篩選模式與協商模式。
摘要(英) With the rapid development of electronic marketplace, buyers and sellers can trade more easily without the limitations of time and distance. Internet trading is benefited to both sides in many ways. However, the matching mechanism between buyers and sellers in the electronic marketplace is not explored deeply. Consequently, the purpose of this research is to study the screening and negotiation in the process of matching.
In this research, four screening models and related flow charts have been proposed. A negotiation model is also proposed to deal with the bargaining process. Finally, a prototype based on development method is built to demonstrate how the screening models and negotiation models work.
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