題目(中) 線上行銷研究系統之開發
題目(英) Development of An Online Marketing Research System
研究生 邱俊程(碩士學位)
指導教授 賴香菊
摘要(中) 面臨電子商務競爭劇烈、環境變化迅速的時代,網站經營者必須能快速掌握消費者動態,進行各種行銷研究分析,才能即時推出各種新的行銷對策,以因應環境的變化。對於中小企業,網站經營雖然帶來了另一個新契機,但也因資源、人才之有限,而常無法自行開發必要的行銷研究系統。為了協助中小企業網站能視情況需要,行銷人員隨時可以輕易地進行行銷研究分析,本研究的目的便是要開發出具有彈性、擴展性和可攜性的線上行銷研究系統,能夠協助網站經營者整合線上行為資料、會員資料及產品資料,進行各種行銷研究分析。系統彈性是指讓使用者可彈性地設定系統組態,並且能夠彈性地選擇分析項目與分析模式進行行銷分析;系統擴展性則是讓使用者可隨時新增行銷分析模式;而在可攜性方面,系統必須能夠適用於不同的系統環境,來搭配不同伺服器軟體及資料庫軟體。如此一來,中小企業即使資源有限,亦能輕易地擁有線上行銷研究分析工具,同時行銷人員也可不必藉助資訊人員,便能隨時輕易地進行行銷研究分析。
摘要(英) In order to survive well in the rapidly changing and very competitive E-Commerce age, a website manager must discern the customer behavior all the times and carry out the necessary marketing research and therefore proceed the right marketing decisions at the right time. Although the Internet brings a new chance to the small and medium enterprises (SME), it is not easy for them to develop an online marketing research system by themselves due to the scarcity of resources. In order to let the SME have better online marketing capabilities, the purpose of this research is to develop a scaleable, flexible, and portable online marketing research system. What the flexibility means is that users can configure the system and implement the marketing analysis based on their requirements, whereas the scalability means that users can add new items into the available analytical models or new models into the system whenever there is new marketing research requirement. Regarding the portability, it means the system can be used in various system environments. With such a system, the marketing people of SME can carry out the required online marketing research easily without the assistance from IS people.
論文下載 etd-0627101-113301.pdf

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