題目(中) 客製化電子報系統開發—以PC硬體零售業為例
題目(英) Development of a Customized Electronic Newspaper System– for PC Hardware Retailers
研究生 陳秋彬(碩士學位)
指導教授 吳雪馥
摘要(中) 由電子報訂閱的人口、發行的數量以及內容含括的範圍,顯示電子報已逐漸改變國人閱讀的習慣,然而目前電子報的應用,雖有客製化的功能,大部分只著重在使用者選擇接收資訊內容的階段,鮮少有考慮電子報頁面呈現的部分。本研究以PC硬體零售商為例,藉由文獻的探討、零售商的訪談、以及網站的觀察,提出電子報應包含的七項資訊內容,且依內容呈現及頁面呈現兩構面整理出六項電子報在客製化方面考量的因素,並實際開發電子報系統。最後藉由網站伺服器蒐集零售商使用行為的日誌檔,驗證本研究在客製化電子報資訊內容以及頁面呈現所提出考量的項目。
摘要(英) Due to the growth of subscribers and contents, electronic newspapers have gradually changed the reading habits of Taiwanese people. Its customization, however, is limited to users’ choice of information conten t. The arrangement of page layout, which is quite important to readers’ preferences is seldom taken into consideration. Based on literature review, field interview, and portal websites observation, this study has proposed seven categories of information content and six dimensions of page layout customization that are concerned by PC hardware retailers. A customized electronic newspaper system was implemented according to the above ideas. Several PC hardware retailers were invited to test the usability of the system. The usage log files were also analyzed by statistical method to investigate the behavior of customized electronic newspaper.
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