–以作業基礎成本法觀點 -莊巧華(Master)
題目(中) 零售業行銷活動資訊化對行銷成本影響之研究–以作業基礎成本法觀點
題目(英) Impact of e-Retailing Marketing on Cost Variation:From Activity-Based Costing Perspective
研究生 莊巧華(碩士學位)
指導教授 侯君溥
摘要(中) 經營策略大師Michael Porter於1985年提出企業競爭優勢的觀念,認為企業必須透過價值鏈活動的分析來了解企業的成本特性及差異化所需的資源,藉此促使企業資源與價值活動運用之最佳化,並達到企業競爭優勢之目的。由價值鏈相關的研究指出,企業在提升其價值活動之效率時,其成本結構也因此受到改變。故企業在決定其價值活動最佳組合前,除了必須瞭解該企業之各項價值活動外,同時也須了解和掌握其價值活動成本的變動資訊。
本研究以台灣之零售業為研究對象。零售業的價值活動主要是以顧客、市場為核心,為行銷導向的價值活動,本研究將之稱為 – 行銷價值活動。以成本會計中的成本分攤制度「作業基礎成本法—Activity-Based Costing」之觀念,透過文獻的探討與整理,匯整出「行銷價值活動」與「行銷活動成本」兩主要研究構面之變數,並作為問卷設計的基礎。
研究中更進一步透過「多元逐步迴歸」探討各類行銷活動對行銷活動成本的影響。透過多元逐步迴歸的路徑分析(Path Analysis),建立各類行銷活動與行銷成本的因果關係模式,並分別解釋各類行銷活動在資訊化過程中,活動彼此間影響的先後順序;各類行銷活動在資訊化程度提高時,會哪些行銷活動成本會受到影響,是提高或是降低;以及行銷活動成本間彼此影響的關係。以期提供零售業者在行銷價值活動資訊化時,能夠掌握行銷成本的變動情況以及作為成本控制上的參考。
摘要(英) According to Michael Porter’s Competitive Advantage, only through Value Chain Analysis, a company can realize it’s cost behavior and the resources needed for differentiation. Thus the company can optimize its resources usage and increase it’s business activities’ performance. A value chain related research indicates that when a company improves its business value activities efficiency, the cost structure of the company is also affected and changed. Therefore, besides understanding a company’s each value activities before it makes the decision of its business activities’ optimized combination, it should realize and control its value-activity cost variation.
Due to the fast development of information technology and the speedy changing business environment, many retailers endeavor in information technology investment and application, so as to face the variety competitive threats and increase its own competitive advantages. In this situation, many retailers’ business value activities are varied, which are gradually computerized or digitalized, and those retailers’ value-activity costs are also changed; some kinds of costs are probably raised; some maybe reduced.
The target for this research is the retail industry in Taiwan. Because the retailers’ business value activities are focused on customer, market and are marketing oriented, in this research, we name it marketing value activities. From the Activity-Based Costing perspective and by literature survey, the research collected and arranged those variables for two main research constructs - “Marketing Value Activities” and “Marketing Activity Cost”, which are the base for the research questionnaire design.
This research first investigates the computerization situation of Taiwanese retailer marketing value activities and the variation situation of the marketing costs by questionnaire survey. Next, it classifies the marketing value activities and marketing cost by the computerization and variation situation respectively, using Factor Analysis. By Canonical Correlation Analysis, the research proves that the computerization of marketing value activities indeed makes marketing cost change.
Furthermore, this research probes into the detail impact relationships among all classified marketing value activities and marketing cost. Through Multiple Stepwise Regression’s Path Analysis and assisted with the information system hierarchy, the research constructs the path diagram of the marketing activities and marketing costs, by which we explains the influence sequence of marketing value activities and marketing costs. So that we can understand which marketing costs would be increased or decreased when one marketing value activity’s computerization level is increased. And finally, we anticipate that this research would provide the retailers a referral for controlling marketing cost variation while computerizing their marketing value activities.
論文下載 etd-0720101-192744.pdf

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