題目(中) 由社會交換理論探討資訊系統委外合夥關係之影響因素
題目(英) Factors Affecting IS Outsourcing Partnership -A Study based on the Social Exchange Theor
研究生 孫思源(博士學位)
指導教授 林東清

摘要(中)   資訊系統委外作業的歷史由來已久,美國在 1970至1980年代,資訊系統委外作業便有逐漸增加的趨勢。Clark, Zumd, and McCray認為,資訊系統科技、以及經營環境等方面的改變,是促成資訊委外作業不斷成長的原因。過去許多關於資訊委外的研究,大部份都是由經濟的觀點著手探討,而所運用的理論亦大都集中在交易成本理論、資源依賴理論、及代理成本理論等,而對於委外進行中雙方關係的研究較為少見。
  資訊系統委外可概分成三個階段,委外前評估決策階段、委外進行中階段、及委外結束時階段。本研究則是著重在委外進行中的雙方關係,近年來由於資訊委外企業與承包商之間的關係本質正逐漸改變,已由1990年代初期原先廠商與顧客之間的契約買賣關係,演變成長期合作的夥伴關係。正如Drucker所說,合夥和聯盟是未來促成生意成長的兩大主流方式,其中合夥能使兩家或數家廠商,經由合作彼此截長補短,發揚光大。Lee and Kim的研究證實,良好的合夥關係品質會導致資訊系統委外的成功,Grover et al.的研究亦證實合夥關係扮演中介角色,對資訊系統委外的成功有重大影響,因此研究委外進行中雙方合夥關係的影響因素有其重要性。
  本研究之目的,以社會交換理論為基礎,建構資訊委外合夥關係的研究架構,探索影響委外企業與承包商合夥關係的重要因素,並瞭解委外合夥關係研究架構各變數之間如何互相影響。本研究採用之研究方法為整合多個案深度訪談及現場調查法,或稱之為三角驗證法(triangulation),針對本研究依據社會交換理論所發展之概念性模式及研究假說進行驗證,首先經由多個案深度訪談結果修改概念性模式及研究假說,再利用調查研究法以結構模式分析法(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)針對回收之問卷,進行資料分析與模式驗證。
  由社會交換理論為基礎,導出之委外合夥關係研究架構,包括:「相對於比較水準之實際結果」、「依賴」、與「溝通」三個自變數,「權力」、「衝突」、「共同價值觀」、「信任」、與「承諾」等中間變數,及因變數-「委外合夥關係的滿意度」。而由本研究實證結果驗證12個假說,有11個假說獲得支持,1個假說不獲得支持,結果說明如下:(1) 「權力」構面在資訊委外情境下並不存在,(2) 委外企業對承包商先產生信任感之後,才會放心的去依賴承包商,而此一「信任-依賴」關係,亦獲問卷調查的證實,(3) 委外企業所獲得之「相對於比較水準之實際結果」,會對「委外合夥關係滿意度」產生顯著的影響,(4) 委外企業所獲得的「相對於比較水準之實際結果」能否高於原先的期望,會決定委外企業對承包商的「信任」程度,(5)原先的「共同價值觀」構面,多數委外企業建議以「互相瞭解」取代,「互相瞭解」顯著影響「信任」,而「溝通」會顯著影響「互相瞭解」,(6)委外雙方存在的「信任」會降低彼此產生的「衝突」,實證結果顯著的支持此一關係,兩構念間呈現負相關,(7)委外雙方「溝通」會有助於建立雙方的「信任」,問卷調查結果亦驗證了此一關係,(8)社會交換理論中的核心構念「信任」與「承諾」關係,在實證結果獲顯著支持,(9)「依賴」會影響「承諾」,然而此一關係在驗證之下並不顯著,(10)「衝突」及「承諾」對「委外滿意度」的影響關係,均獲得多個案深度訪談結果的支持,同時亦獲調查研究驗證的顯著支持。

摘要(英) In recent years, people have paid much attention to IS functions outsourcing in organizations. Outsourcing of information system (IS) functions is growing rapidly. Most of the researchers draw on the resource-dependence theory, transaction-cost theory, and agent cost theory to conduct their studies from the economic viewpoint. Economic theories aim at explaining the characteristics of governance or contract. However, explaining the relationship between organizations from a purely economic point of view is unjustifiable because inter-organizational relationships also involve the social learning experiences based on specific sequential interactions.
While IS outsourcing can generally be divided into three stages, such as evaluation stage before outsourcing, outsourcing on-going stage, and outsourcing ending stage. The purpose of this study, departing from the social viewpoint, intends to use the social theories to investigate the affecting factors of outsourcing partnerships between firm and the IS functions outsourcing service providers in the outsourcing on-going stage.
This study employs social exchange theory to establish the research model. In addition, the triangulation research method is also adopted to verify the research model. First of all, the research model derived from social exchange theory has been revised according to the result of multiple-case deeply interview. Then, the survey research is included to verify the revised research model and test the 12 hypotheses. Finally, among these 12 hypotheses, 11 of them are supported statistically significant and one hypothesis was rejected.
The main contribution of this study to academia is to provide a research model of the IS functions outsourcing partnerships to the future researchers who are interested in this domain. Besides, practically speaking, the firm can also adopt the study outcome to ensure the success of the IS functions outsourcing.

論文下載 etd-0621101-101107.pdf

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